Gun alarms at door

This is a “Gun alarms at door”, i.e. a trap which one could install a little everywhere to protect a cupboard, a room, etc

The lever under the barrel, with the small caster, is the system of release of remote shooting by wire of thrust.

The barrel is not striped, but charged with buckshots, this thing can make solids damage…

Who manufactured? Mystery, but there was to be more than one manufacturer of these objects. There are of them one or two in “4 centuries of Arms manufacture of Liège” if I’m not mistaken.

One could charge these weapons with white, to make noise, or with chicken feathers; but charged with buckshots they were frightening.

You open the door, and you could put new paper on the walls of the chamber. Bang, in other words.

There does exist badly of other less elaborate models, in general just a barrel and a hammer fixed on a metal plate, but also with a system of release per wire of obstinate (tension or relaxation of tension).

Inspired of a text of Marcel

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