Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Ličge Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS

Nagant Törnell 87/93

There is a model improved of the revolver Nagant 1887, known under the name of m/87-93.

It comprised additional notches of blocking on the cylinder, intended to guarantee blocking. This provision was patented by Lt Tor Fabian Törnell of the Swedish army in 1888.

Although this improvement was approved by the Swedish government in 1893, it was never adopted; consequently, these improved models are extremely rare.

The visible difference is a tail of trigger in two parts, whose back part releases the cylinder when one put on the trigger.

This revolver was manufactured in Belgium by Nagant, for the tests of the army.

The weapon preserves its finished original, neither modified nor restored.

Pretty blue with the flame on the hammer, the trigger and the spring of door.

I saw of them only two until now.


Nagant 87/93

The noticable differences are :

1) a two piece trigger which releases the cylinder drag when the trigger is pulled back,

2) scalloped cylinder flutes with only one chamber as a "dimple" to indicate rounds fired, and

3) a different shaped front sight.

This is a Belgian produced gun by Nagant and number 902 made for the Army trials.

The brown color on the cylinder axis pin is grease and all numbers match except that piece (the cylinder axis pin).

All original finish, not modified or restored.

Beautiful fire blue on hammer, trigger and loading gate spring.


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